

Product Design: Cat & Caboodle

Nov 28, 2023

“Cat and Caboodle” is a whimsical product catering to our feline friends in the most delightful and innovative way. This project showcases a unique product line designed explicitly for the Cat family, comprising two essential seed products: Cat Grass and Catnip. 


Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Stock Images
Canon 7dmii
Canon 100mm


Logo Design
Product Design
Packaging Design
Web Design (WordPress)

The Project Vision

In this captivating project, we delve into the world of feline wellness with “Cat and Caboodle.” The challenge was to design packaging that not only appealed aesthetically but also addressed the specific needs of our furry friends. Through careful research and innovative thinking, the Cat Grass and Catnip seed products were born, housed within a self-contained, user-friendly package. This case study explores the thought process, research, and creative techniques that brought this imaginative concept to life.

Minimal Design

Responsive Design

Creative Idea

Product Design - Seed Packet featured image

A Story in Research

Understanding the unique dietary requirements of cats and their affinity for certain plants was the first step in our research. Extensive studies on feline behavior and herbal remedies laid the foundation for the project. We delved into the world of sustainable packaging, seeking eco-friendly materials and methods to minimize our environmental footprint. Market analysis helped identify the gap in the industry, highlighting the need for a convenient, all-in-one solution for cat owners.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever.

Creative Process

The box packaging was meticulously mocked up, considering every detail, from dimensions to visual appeal. Real photographs, combined with stock images, were seamlessly integrated into the design, adding authenticity to the seed packets. The focus was not just on aesthetics but also on functionality; the inclusion of soil pods that expanded upon watering transformed the packaging into a mini garden, enhancing the overall user experience.

Creative Journey

Armed with research insights, the creative journey began. Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop became our tools of choice, allowing us to translate ideas into visual concepts.


The box packaging was meticulously mocked up, considering every detail, from dimensions to visual appeal. Real photographs, combined with stock images, were seamlessly integrated into the design, adding authenticity to the seed packets


The focus was not just on aesthetics but also on functionality; the inclusion of soil pods that expanded upon watering transformed the packaging into a mini garden, enhancing the overall user experience

More Graphic Design
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